So....I have decided to run an introductory offer, for the next 6 weeks (from 5th Jan 2009 - 16th Feb 2009), I am offering a super special of a full horse consult for $60, yes sixty dollars. That's a saving of $100 per horse off my standard single horse pricing.
Or you can have your horse and your saddle fit checked for $80, all inclusive of GST.
If you cannot arrange a group, but are very keen to take up this offer, contact me anyway, I am happy to look at several on a trip to somewhere, if your not far off the beaten track. So if I had ten horses more orless between me and Auckland I would arrange to see them. Email to register your interest.
(sorry NI only, but South Islanders, I am planning a trip in the pretty near future)
This offer is for anyone and everyone, commercial trainers to pleasure trekkers. But please be patient inb terms of timing, I will arrange to see everyone just as soon as I can, but do have work committments so will at this stage be evenings and weekends. Its a fantastic chance to get your horse checked over, even if just for your own peace of mind. I am personally much happier to pressure my horses a bit after seeing that they were all just fine.
All that's required is an area out of direct sunlight, and drafts. I check mine under a huge willow tree that blocks the light and that works well, but a shed or a stable are great. If you are local and don't have access to anything I can arrange to be at your place late afternoon/evening once the sun has gone down.
Now for the catch... I wish to retain the right to use any interesting pictures for my own promotion work (never will the animal be identified) and also if I have interest from outside areas, say more than 30 mins drive from Whakatane, I will need a confirmed group of 10 horses minimum, and will also need to charge an additional $10 per horse for petrol.
This seems seriously sadistic given I have a job and am hoping to start competing my own horses this month, but I always liked living dangerously *gulp*
So basically below is an example of a full look over a horse for your information of what you would get.

Near Side


Near Side front legs

Off side front legs, the red area is a splint that the owner thought had set.

Hind legs. Concentrated on the front legs of this horse as that's where the issues are.


Wither area. This horse was suspected of jarring up on the hard ground.

This is a different horse, it is so far the most exciting (well for me anyway) picture of a horses front feet.

And another horses front legs, there are some horses feeling the ground presently.

This is a spaniel in perfect health.
We used this picture of another spaniel that's got a lot of arthritis.
The colours were expected by the owner, but she found it very interesting to see exactly where they were and there were some that were a bit unexpected
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